案發地點: Home
受害者: ME
Aiiiiiiiii!!!!! 放咗工返咗屋企,突然電話嚮
Me : Hello?
電話小姐: Hi! Is this 120 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Road?
Me: Yeeesssssss?
電話小姐: Is your Mummy or Daddy here?
Me: ummm.....................( 心諗,點答你好呢? I'm not living with my mum or um...........)
電話小姐: Oh ! You are the occupier?!
Me: Yes
電話小姐: I'm Sorry, but you really sounds like a child
Me: (心諗,我FFF..你呀! Sorry 就 Sorry 啦! 仲要話我把聲似細路)
電話小姐: Just wanna ask will there be anyone to recieve the parcel?
Me: Yes, That's fine.........
即cut 線!!!
Parcel 送到黎,話比Kenny 知案發經過,佢